So, I'm super excited, I was nominated for the Liebster award, an award for up and coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. The awesome Katherine Nicole found my blog and nominated me :) What a great way to find new bloggers and get new blogs out there!
The Rules:
1. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you
2. Create 11 questions for people you've nominated
3. Choose eleven people (with fewer than 200 followers) to give this award to and link them in your post
4. Go to their page and tell them or email them
5. Remember, no tag backs.
My Nominees:
Lipstick & Ponytails
Skin Stuff by Katy
Lifestyle and Beauty Honestly
Devastatingly Beautiful Life
Freshly Pressed Beauty
Beauty Blogger Connecticut
Nancy Mulhouse
Slashed Beauty
Urban Anthropology
DC Girl in Pearls
Katherine Nicole's Questions:
1. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Def a night owl! I hate morning!
2. What are you currently reading?
Ghost Wars- it's this awesome book about the CIA and Afghanistan in the 80's
3. What would be your dream job?
4. Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla all day er'yday day
5. What is your most prized possession?
Ooo this is hard...umm probably pictures that I have from when I was younger
6. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
Think of how much trouble I'd get in if I called out :)
7. What is your favorite food?
Chicken Svoulaki yummm
8. Biggest pet peeve?
People who don't answer text messages for hours!
9. What was the last movie you watched? What did you think about it?
American Hustle. It was really good and def worth the hype!
10. Pasta, wine and a good book OR pizza, beer and a movie? Why?
Pizza, wine and movie. Because wine is amazing but pizza trumps pasta.
11. What's something your readers might not know about you?
Hmm...I went to high school in London
My Questions:
1. Would you rather travel to Europe or the Caribbean?
2. What made you decide to start blogging?
3. Dogs or cats?
4. What is the one beauty product you can't live without?
5. What 3 items would you want on a deserted island with you?
6. What's your favorite TV show?
7. What's your biggest vice?
8. Skiing or beach?
9. What would you eat as your last meal?
10. What's the one thing you'll only do when you're alone?
11. What would your dream life be like in 5 years?
Hope all my nominees enjoy this and keep it going! Thank you so much Katherine Nicole for this awesome nomination!
Hey! I loved your post and I'm so glad I got to nominate you! :) I've heard so much about American Hustle that I feel like it's time for me to go see it!
ReplyDeleteKatherine Nicole